I found the setting in PCLC to control the power during refueling and the setting that generates a Pit-In signal after the car is on the sensor for x seconds, and a Pit-Out signal when the car leaves the sensor.
Is it possible to set up PCLC to reactivate the power when the Pit-In signal is lost? The system I am looking to create would allow the driver to make a race time decision to only take on partial fuel. This would be helpful towards the end of a race/segment when the partial fuel will be enough to last until the end of the race/segment. The driver could save valuable seconds by not wasting time to get a full fuel tank.
In order to do this the driver would have a switch on the driver station to interrupt the Pit-In signal to PCLC. But PCLC must, of course, reactivate the power when the Pit-In signal is lost. Does PCLC do this, or not?